Our artists share the work they've been creating at home while self-isolating.

Emily Shur has been capturing street scenes while on daily walks with her dog Momo. She shares an honest account of the experience, "Nothing will ever be perfect, but practice does result in progress. Been attempting to step up my dog walk photo practice lately with a larger camera. There’s been a bit of a learning curve, and for at least a week I didn’t like any of the pictures I took. That combined with a spazzy dog pulling me in various directions and a sweaty face mask was almost annoying enough to let it go, but so far I’ve stuck with it. I’ve taken a lot of straight up bad pictures, re-photographed a couple things previously shot w/my phone (like the last picture) and at times noticed new stuff or at least found a way to see something new in this otherwise Groundhog Day-like existence. Very grateful to be able to practice something that I know I’ll never be able to perfect."


Art Streiber shares a snapshot from a visit with his father. Art descrobes the moment, "Happy to see me. Looked great. Aggravated by the burner phone. Amused to learn that it takes 25 minutes to get from the Westside to Eagle Rock. Couldn’t believe the photos showing a very crowded Newport Beach over the weekend. Wished me and my wife “Happy Anniversary.” Is watching a lot of classic movies on TCM. Big smile when I showed him my WSJ hedcut from a few weeks ago. Asked how the dog was. Got tested yesterday and is waiting for the results. Six kitchen staffers at his place have tested positive. He has concluded that he is, “better off on the inside.” But according to the LA Times, the California health department lists 261 skilled-nursing facilities across the state with more than 3,000 positive cases among residents and staff. More than half of the homes on the list, 148, are in LA County. And yes, that’s a maintenance worker in the background, spray cleaning and disinfecting the carpeting of the facility. Pops, I’ll see you next week…"


Peter Sutherland has been self-isolating in Los Angeles with his family and delving into his suburban nostalgia with a series of still lives.


Jake Stangel, an avid cyclist, has been documenting the empty trails around his home in San Francisco. 


Justin Fantl has been busy composing painterly still lives.

Jonpaul Douglass finds joy around the house.