Google "Pixel vs. Pixel"

All the Things directed three "seasons" of short YouTube videos called “Pixel vs Pixel,” starring Jonpaul's pug, Stella. The Google team handled the scripts, and Jonpaul worked with his longtime prop-stylist collaborators Billy and Anna to develop the look and feel of the short videos. They built a simple set in his studio in Los Angeles and chose unexpected props like a painted mannequin hand to hold the phone (cheaper and easier than hiring a hand model). Jonpaul took pictures of everything to share with the client, and then, with everyone on the same page and excited, he and Stella were free to bring the scripts to life. “I found ways to make things funny,” he says, “but Stella is the one who makes them work.”

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3


Art Direction
Set Design + Build
Animal Wrangling
Post Production + FX